Novoangarsky dressing plant LLC
Adress: 663412, Krasnoyarsk territory, Motiginsky district, Novoangarsk village, 19, Prosveshcheniya street
Representative office in Krasnoyarsk::
Adress: 660077, Office 211, 14A, 78 Dobrovolcheskoy brigady street
General director:
Guriev Vladimir
an Executive Director:
Dzgoev Tamerlan
Head of Logistics Department:
Kupriyanov Aleksandr
Phone: 8-(391)-275-18-32
Deputy Director of Human Resources and Social Affairs:
Dallaqyan Elena
Phone: 8-(391)-226-65-50 ext: 2206


Novoangarsky dressing plant, Gorevsky GOK Group of companies  carries out its activities within the Krasnoyarsk territory and the Amur region. The core business is development of mining and smelting productions. The Group of companies has assets of  different development levels: from Greenfield (zero stage) to existing production. The core production is mining and processing of lead-zinc ore of Gorevsky deposit. The Group of companies holds the license which grants the right  for development of Udereyskoe deposit (gold, antimony), Mogotinskoe deposit (silver, gold), both are in the early stages of development.
GGOK OJSC and NOK LLC Group of companies is celebrating two anniversary dates: tenth anniversary of Novoangarsky dressing plant and forty fifth anniversary of Gorevsky mining and processing plant.
The project documentation for the project "Construction of the facilities for protection of Gorevsky deposit from surface water of Angara river. Second dike" is developed with the assistance of "Siberian ERDC" CJSC as a project organization.
Technical and economic assessment of constant exploring conditions of Gorevsky deposit was developed by our company's specialists in conjunction with FSAEI HVE "SFU". Reserves revaluation in current economic conditions was made with justification of its mining up to total depth.
Novoangarsky dressing plant and Gorevsky mining and processing plant Group of companies has opened its representative office in Hong Kong (PRC) NOKGroup.LTD
The mission of NOKGroup LTD
Lead US$/t 2,057.00 0.83 %
Zinc US$/t 2,382.00 4.89 %
Gold US$/ozt 2,043.65 0.47 %
Silver US$/ozt 24.19 0.83 %
USD rr. 92.6962 1.12 %